Ten Commandments Memorization

I have one million...and one...plans going through my head,
but I am working very hard to keep them at bay until a certain thing happens first.
I know, I'm being very vague, but I have also been working on NOT
talking about this subject everywhere that I can b/c people
say mean things and give me mean looks and my very sensitive
little girl feelers couldn't handle it anymore.
But...all shall be revealed in due time!

So, next is my new obsession.
The Lose IT! app.
You can set a goal weight, a timeline, and then keep track
of all your caloric intake and exercises throughout the day.
It's quite fun and wonderful and addicting!
Oh, and it's free!

My 2 favorite quotes from the past few days:

Walker: "Let's listen to GiGi, Addi.
Remember, honor your father and mother.
And your aunts."
(Cutest nephew ever!)

Matthew: "Trust me. It will be brilliant."

So, I trust and wait and plan secretly and enjoy my life as it is.


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