Piercings, Puppies and Push-Ups

Yes, it has been 2 months since I've written.
No, I haven't been living under a rock during that time.
I admitted at the beginning of this blogging adventure that I'm not consistent with it and
that it overwhelms me. 
For all those non-bloggers out there,
blogging is challenging.
I find that I look at experiences in the light of, "Oh, my readers would like this!"
"What have I learned from this that I can write about?"
Obviously, it's much easier to just coast through normal, boring days and even eventful, trying days without a time of retrospection.
So, I am coming forth and admitting that I have coasted through the last 2 months,
but alas, I am ready to confront life again with an inquisitive mind!

For many people, inquisition is natural.
For me, Questioning is NOT the norm!
I take them as they are, and rarely think of them again.
I forget arguments Matt & I have once apologies and forgiveness are traded.
This can be a pro when you're practicing love and have no past anger to uproot.
It is a con when you're married to a lawyer who remembers EVERYTHING
and how to use it to his advantage.

In the last few weeks, I have been yearning for some change.
First it started small; I wanted to get 3 extra piercings in my ear.

Then, it progressed quickly to absolutely desiring with all of my being one of the Parade of Homes homes.
I'm telling you, my life would be complete with that house!

Then, I wanted to start painting every room in the house.

 Front Office

                                     Guest Room

Then, I dubbed it down a bit to just wanting to go to the mountains to escape the heat.
Then, maybe a puppy would be nice.
Then, I decided to change my workout schedule completely and start Crossfit.
                                                               My terrified CrossFit face.

Why all this change now?
Why do I think all these new things will make me happier?
What transpired from being so overwhelmed with my blessings at the beginning of the year to wanting 
more, more, more now?

While not all of those changes are a bad thing, I feel like I have some 
serious introspection ahead of me.
I don't like being that person that constantly looks to the next mountain
while standing on Pike's Peak.
That was kinda an odd analogy, but you get my drift, right?

So here's to another change:


  1. Good word...I like this "I don't like being that person that constantly looks to the next mountain while standing on Pike's Peak". Thats me far too often.

  2. Hey:) I just found your blog, I hope you will write more. I see that you are from Lubbock! So am I!


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