Sick week OVER!

After a week of being sick, our weekend was only halfway priductive.
I started getting sick Tuesday morning:
I am very aware of that annoying tickle in the back of my throat when it appears.
so I double up on Echinaca
but this time it stuck around.
So, Tuesday night I steer clear of Matt in the hopes of keeping my treasure to myself...
but alas, he got it as well.
Except, and maybe this isn't just my husbnad, when he gets sick the funeral coordinator is on speed-dial.
THIS is why I wanted to keep my sickness to myself!
So, Matt stayed home all Wednesday with the worst version of what I had,
I came home early from work to lay in bed 'till the next morning.
And then Thursday I felt GREAT!
So, what do I do?
Everything as normal, of course,
And then Friday hits with a vengeance and I'm back in bed by the evening.
Saturday: still not feeling fantastic...
So, there goes a whole week.
Gone. Sick. Unproductive. No workouts.
Ugh, you just feel nasty afterwards.
But, we did finish the guest bath Saturday, and we are so very proud of it!
Our first completed room TOGETHER!
Matt kept showing his guy friends when they came over for grilling and football.
I imagine they were less than imopressed with Audrey & wallflowers,
but I love that Matt shows it off.


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