They Should Call it Baby Bumps

Well, it has been one year almost exactly since I have last posted.
I seem to post during especially exciting times in life.
Since I live a very normal life consisting of work, church and family,
I don't often have a lot of interesting stories to share.
I shared about my journey through engagement and early marriage.
And then I shared a bit during a rough patch in marriage.
And now I'm going to share during a very FUN time in marriage!
Now, if you are one of those women who were or are very sick during your pregnancies,
you're not gonna want to read my updates.
I have had THE most pleasant pregnancy EVER!
Like, seriously, the most dramatic symptom I've had is hormonal swings
coupled with exhaustion and only wanting orange juice.
On that particular evening, I cried to Matt that I didn't think I'd be able to do this for another 7 months.
That evening I realized I really was an adult now.
That I was in a situation that I, in no way, could get out of.
That may sound horrible, and Matt & I had been trying to have a baby,
so it's not that I wasn't desiring a child.
I just wasn't desiring to be pregnant at that moment.
Thankfully, I have not had any more reasons to dislike my pregnancy since then.
I'm in the "cute baby bump" phase of the pregnancy
(aka week 13.)

                              Granted, my cute baby bump has also expanded to "cute" love handles
and "cute" ginormous boobies.
But I guess you can't choose where it goes!
Actually, I should've chosen BEFORE I was pregnant to lost about 20 lbs.
and then my pregnancy weight probably would've distributed to more flattering areas
(like just my belly).
But I've always held the completely skewed mindset of 
Week 12-lime & Week 13-peach
"I can't wait to be pregnant so I can eat whatever I want!"
And then I read that you're only supposed to be consuming an extra 300 calories a day!!
And you're only supposed to gain 3-5 lbs in the first trimester!!
Way to burst the bubble of every first-time mother ever!!
So, I just tell my DR. not to tell me how much I weigh at each appt.
I figure they'll let me know if I'm gaining too much,
and I got more important things to stress about than weight gain.
Believe me, I know it's there. I just don't need to know how much it weighs!
All that to say, Matt & I are SUPER excited to meet Baby Bit.
That's what we call the baby until we know the gender b/c in the Message version of the Bible,
Psalm 139:15 says, "You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted from nothing into something."
Me & my preggo friend, Kailee.


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