People Become Very Brave Around Pregnant Ladies

I heard stories, before I was pregnant, about how people would go up to pregnant women
and feel their stomach or make comments like,
"You know what causes that, right?" (To a mother of 3) or
"It's a girl. I'm always right." (How exactly do you follow up with that?)
I've had a few questions that I ponder afterwards like,
"What do you a want?"
I know this is a common question, and while my first instinct is always to answer with the cliche,
"We just want a healthy baby"
(b/c ultimately that's all you really want),
I often answer with,
"We need some boys in our family."
I feel like if I say,"I want a boy" and I have a girl growing inside of me
that she'll feel neglected. I know that sounds silly,
but I want her to know from conception that she is wanted and loved no matter what she is.
If it IS a boy, then that's great too, b/c we really are outnumbered in our Neufeld clan
with 2 boys and 7 girls.
I haven't had anyone come up and start rubbing my midsection yet b/c ppl are still trying to internally figure out whether I've just put on 15 pounds in one specific location or if I really am growing something in there. 
I can see their wheels turning when they see me.
I often put them out of their misery and announce what the cause is of my growth.
To which they breathe a sigh of relief that there's not a mysterious tumor in there.
Or maybe they're disheartened that they didn't discover the next medical mystery.
I digress.
Yesterday, as I was running, there were some African American men washing a car near us.
After announcing that I was the only one not cheating
(we were supposed to run to the pole and back),
I told him, "And I'm the only one expecting!"
So, my next time around, he looked at me and asked,
"Is it a male child?"
I looked at him perplexed.
"Is it a boy?"
I explained that it was too early to tell just yet, but that question still makes me laugh.
It was like he was so convinced that it was a male.
And he was declaring, "It's a boy, isn't it?"
I actually look forward to the onslaught of questions I have yet to receive.
I think I'll work on my witty comebacks now.
In cased you missed my preggo pull-ups, here ya go...


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