
Showing posts from 2012

A Working Girl's Fall Daydream

The temperature is currently 56 degrees. Light drizzle is falling. I am completely over-dressed in long leggings, closed-toe shoes, a long-sleeved shirt with a wool cover up over, and a knit hat on my head. Yes, I'm rather toasty right now, but Fall has arrived and I must dress accordingly so it'll stick around longer! It's like when that first taste of spring comes, and your toes have been cramped up all winter, and you hear it's supposed to be 75 that day, so you whip out your flip-flops only to freeze your little toesies off in the chill 50-degree morning weather. But I have this weird thought that if I wear my flip-flops and suffer through, summer will come quicker. I have the same odd promptings today; therefore, I will tough it out in my wool cover up, and you can thank me when this wonderful Fall weather lingers. I love how Lubbock people get so excited when it turns a bit chilly outside. On Sunday, it was going to be in the 60s...

Alzheimer's: To Know or Not to Know?

I was priveleged to be a part of this organization on Saturday. I will honestly admit that I don't do a lot of community service. Scratch that...ANY community service... (Unless you count church activity.) But Matt's law firm deals with elderly clients whom often suffer from dimentia & Alzheimer's. They sponsored a table at the walk along with a photo booth. Matt & I got our lazy butts out of bed WAY earlier than normal on a Saturday and manned that table. We also offered sign-ups for an Alzheimer's clinical trial.   I was seriously dubious as to how many people would sign up for this. I mean, clinical trials are kinda a big deal! But I was SHOCKED at the willingness of our comunity! Especially those whose family members had been affected by Alzheimer's; they wanted to contribute as much as they could to furthering the reserach and development of an Alzheimer's cure.   Many people told us their stories of how this hor...

Piercings, Puppies and Push-Ups

Yes, it has been 2 months since I've written. No, I haven't been living under a rock during that time. I admitted at the beginning of this blogging adventure that I'm not consistent with it and that it overwhelms me.  For all those non-bloggers out there, blogging is challenging. I find that I look at experiences in the light of, "Oh, my readers would like this!" or "What have I learned from this that I can write about?" Obviously, it's much easier to just coast through normal, boring days and even eventful, trying days without a time of retrospection. So, I am coming forth and admitting that I have coasted through the last 2 months, but alas, I am ready to confront life again with an inquisitive mind! For many people, inquisition is natural. For me, Questioning is NOT the norm! I take them as they are, and rarely think of them again. I forget arguments Matt & I have once apologies and forgiveness are traded. Th...

92% Sure I'm Right

Good marriages are hard to make. I know I'm no expert only 7 months in. But I'm fortunate to have at least a little experience under my belt. With all the differences in communication and habits and personalities and hormones (probably more mine than his), it's a given that two people trying their darnest to make their marriage the best possible is going to be difficult. What really gets to me is that Satan knows this too. He didn't have to have a Mrs. Devil to figure out where to target us. And while we are constantly working to respect each other and uplift each other and put the other person first, Satan is working his hardest to make our words stab each other to make us doubt each other and to point out why we should get our own way. I wasn't as aware of this spiritual struggle until recently. You see, in the first few months of marriage,  you don't understand why everyone out there says marriage is hard. You, honestly think your marri...

Arguments of Newlyweds

I feel like Matt & I are far enough removed from our most momentous arguments to divulge them to you. Don't worry, we don't argue about anything meaningful. That often aggravates Matt more than the argument itself. I just say, "At least our fights are over stupid stuff instead of really big, bad stuff." Like when Matt said, "You're stupid." in a silly, sing-song tone of voice. I blew up over that one and locked myself in my room for a good 45 minutes, and then proceeded to come into the living room, not to apologize, but to gripe him out for not apologizing first. That was a good one. And then the other day, I was emptying the dishwasher while he came into the kitchen and put his cup in the sink. I looked at him with that look that says, "You're not really going to put that cup in the sink when the dishwasher is open and receiving dirty dishes, are you?" You know that look, ladies. That proceeded into an argument that...

Motion Sickness: Dog Style

Mom's been at the lake house going on 2 weeks now. She wanted someone to go down and stay with her while the guys came to mud. I didn't want to go by myself, so Matt & I took a last-minute trip to the lake. It was wonderful and restful and really great to spend time with my Momma. She's done such a great job decorating and fixing up the house down there. We decided to bring Darcy with us since he's never been there in his adult life. I took him when he was a pup and had just learned to bark. Dad was driving the motor home with all the grand kids in it, me and Mr. Darcy. Dad got so annoyed with him that he put him in the trailer hooked up behind the motor home. He had to ride in there for the remainder of the trip! Needless to say, he was not scared out of barking. He is the loudest dog EVER! But he did wonderfully riding in the car after a small bout of motion sickness... He looooved being there. Especially since my Mom's 3 dog...

Birthday Week. Check!

Well, my birthday week was superb! I pretty much love ANY and ALL recognition concerning and surrounding my birthday, so when our Life Groupers placed a special Happy Birthday sign on my cookie, I was delighted! And then when the waitress at La Diosa placed a candle in my Creme Brulee, I giggled in delight! I filled up my day with activities which I had planned all week: Coffee with Pops at Starbucks. Lunch at the Texas Tech Club with Mom & Matt. Massages with Mom. Pedicures with Momma. Shopping with Momma. Came home to cupcakes from my favorite Cakery from Matt! And then La Diosa with Randall, his g/f, Priscilla & Cyle!  Randall sabotaged my phone...  It was a really lovely day! Thanks for all the birthday wishes! Oh, and here's the landscaping I've been working on at work... Before   After         Before             ...

Donnie Darko Ruined Bunnies For Me

Well, how was your Easter?! I had the pleasant surprise of finding out Monday that our office was closed Friday. Yippee! So, Matt & I slept in 'till 11 & 11:30, respectively (which was glorious), and then pretty much did a whole lot of nothing the rest of the day. I did have a lovely time with the Lord in the backyard with this beast at my feet... But then we made up for our laziness on Saturday where  Matt built me this wonderful table for the laundry room: And then, for fun, I painted my toenails all pretty-like. And we went to Wal-Mart (with the rest of Lbk), and I cleaned the whole house, and watered the yard, and went to Lowe's, and Matt put up my trellises, etc. And on Sunday, we got all dressed up to join my family at church. It was so incredibly packed, but thankfully, we got there early for Matt to help usher. I just wish all the ppl that come to church on Easter & Christmas would come every other Sunday too. It...

Bluebonnets don't grow in West Texas

Yes, yes it is me up and at'm in the blogging world again. A lot has happened over the last 3 weeks... I just never took the time to write it all down. Shame on me. One thing that you probably saw on FB was that our dear puppy, Channing, passed away. His meds weren't working anymore, and he had a really bad episode Monday night where we literally thought he was dying in our arms. I put him to bed that night expecting him to not wake up in the morning. He woke up, but he never fully recovered and passed away at the vet's clinic Wed. afternoon. While I was shocked that he actually didn't make it, I was also a bit relieved, sadly. It was like taking care of a special needs dog for the last 2 months. Matt & I were constantly asking ourselves how much we wanted to spend at the vet next. Channing would keep us up at night, and I could feel myself constantly tense while around him, not sure what symptom would manifest itself next. Normally, I...