The Art of Talking to a Pregnant Woman
I have previously written about peoples' funny comments to me which I thought were endearing and quirky so far. This last week, some of those comments crossed into the "that's none of your business" category. Pre-pregnancy I never posted one picture or video of what I do at CrossFit. Frankly, it's awkward to me to ask my coach, "Can you video me making funny faces and grunting while lifting this man wight? Thanks." But since I'm still lifting and doing CF during my pregnancy, I am proud of myself and wanted to show "the world" (i.e. Facebook) what it looks like for a pregnant woman to do CF. (b/c it's becoming more and more comical) With my first video, I had all positive comments. Lots of women my age really wish they would've continued working out during their pregnancy and vow to do so the next time around. Lots of women were so sick, they couldn't even think of working out. Since I've had s...