Sundae Dreams

"I want to be a cheerleader when I grow up! A cheerleader and a teacher, and after I get married, my husband and I will be missionaries."

Flowers at my home!

Well, one of those dreams came true.
This was the answer I gave people when I was young.
And yes, I was a cheerleader all through elementary and high school 
(winning two national championships if I might toot my own horn),
but, thankfully, the Lord taught me early on that I don't have the patience to teach.
He also showed me that my calling was not overseas missions either.
I figured we were all supposed to become missionaries at some point in our Christian lives.
After 4 months with YWAM in Hawaii & China, I came home and realized that experience was great
but also, that wasn't what I was called to.
(Oddly enough, I was voted "Most Likely to Become a Missionary" in high school.)
My summer back porch!

Thankfully, I met a man who was on his way to enroll in seminary one day when a friend told him,
 "Not everyone is called to overseas missions. We need missionaries in the work place too."
That prompted my future husband to attend law school instead.
And while I believe Matt would be a great pastor, he is also an excellent attorney!
(And I had always prayed fervently to the Lord that I wouldn't marry a pastor or a soldier.)
Isn't that horrible?! Two of the most noble professions!
But, I strongly believe that just as not everyone is called to be a pastor or soldier,
not every woman is equipped to marry a pastor or soldier.
It is a high calling indeed.

So, now that I am older and married, I've suddenly bagan asking myself, "What ARE my dreams?"
Your dreams are so extravagant and tangible when you're young.
Then you realize QUICKLY that the bills aren't paid by dreams alone.
And many of us opt for the more practical route.
For me, that was working in our family business.
Now, don't get me wrong, I am HIGHLY blessed in my position at our business,
but I also remember a time when I said I would NEVER work at Dave's Roofing after college.
I've realized over the years how rare it is to have a thriving family business where you can work with your family, get along, and still hang out together on the weekends.
And the perks don't hurt either!
And as I've been asking myself that dream question, I've become quite devastated b/c 
I don't remember what my dreams are anymore!
Lady Belle!
I don't even know what I'm passionate about.
Isn't that horrible?!
So, I will compile a list of things I currently enjoy doing. Offer that list to the Lord.
And you know what? I'll probably be back here in a couple months revealing how the Lord has used one of my favorite pasttimes to further His kingdom and bring more fuilfillment and joy to my own life.
B/c that's how awesome our God is.
And that's what He does.

-Water coloring
-Working out

And just as a cherry on the sundae, here is an incredible video that ALL women should see!


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