Arguments of Newlyweds

I feel like Matt & I are far enough removed from our most momentous
arguments to divulge them to you.
Don't worry, we don't argue about anything meaningful.
That often aggravates Matt more than the argument itself.
I just say, "At least our fights are over stupid stuff instead of really big, bad stuff."

Like when Matt said, "You're stupid." in a silly, sing-song tone of voice.
I blew up over that one and locked myself in my room for a good 45 minutes,
and then proceeded to come into the living room, not to apologize,
but to gripe him out for not apologizing first.
That was a good one.

And then the other day, I was emptying the dishwasher
while he came into the kitchen and put his cup in the sink.
I looked at him with that look that says,
"You're not really going to put that cup in the sink when the dishwasher is open and
receiving dirty dishes, are you?"
You know that look, ladies.
That proceeded into an argument that was a while in coming.
We're still working on the dish thing.

We used to argue about his habit of falling asleep on the couch instead of in bed with his wife.
For some reason, that really bothered me.
I'm not really sure what transpired, but I prayed about it,
and it suddenly didn't bother me anymore.
He can sleep on the couch anytime he wants.
The ironic thing is now that it doesn't bother me,
he hardly ever does it!
Oh, how the Lord loves to teach me little lessons like that.

And then there's little things that I do that annoys him to no end like:
Not pulling the sheets taut while making the bed.
Leaving my key in the car in our closed garage.
Leaving old coffee grounds in the coffee maker until the filter is full after a couple days.
(I no longer do this after an unfortunate cockroach incident.)
Not turning the water filter switch back to normal on the sink faucet.
Leaving tall decorations on the coffee table (it obstructs his TV view!)
Not throwing away expired foods.
(I was actually quite oblivious to those abstract numbers until we got married,
and he cleaned out our spice cabinet from items bought in '06.)
Sending him pictures of spiders I encounter.
(He is SUCH a baby about spiders!)

And the list goes on and on,
but I hope you are catching my humorous undertone here.
Matt & I are able to argue quickly, make up, and not bring it up again (often).
We are celebrating our 6-month anniversary today,
and I can't express how happy he makes me.
I love my husband!!!!


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