The Pros & Cons of Being 37-Weeks Pregnant (Mostly Cons)

It seems that, once again, I have skipped several months of blogging.
For a while, there wasn't a lot of change in my routine or pregnancy.
I would go to work, go home and watch TV, and was still pregnant.
That's it.
Lounging in the nursery
Then, there was a time where I was just sick of being pregnant but didn't want 
to write a blog just to complain.
It seems that now that there are some significant advancements, I shall update
the blogging world on my progress.
I know, I know, you can all sleep peacefully now.
At least one of us will be.
But, this blog is also a chronicle for me to look back on post L&D and
to laugh at in the future when I'm pregnant with #3 or #4 and my
pregnancy woes and discomforts are drowned in poopy diapers,
screaming children, and snotty noses.

I am currently 37 weeks.
That means I am within sight of the finish line.
At least sometimes I am.
Sometimes, I am hopeless and feel like I will be that lady on 
"Family Guy" that is perpetually pregnant without ever actually having a baby.
My ab muscles bid me farewell quite a while ago, but I hear them laughing at me now
when I still try to use them in vain (i.e. getting off the couch, tying my shoes,
shaving my legs, getting out of bed.)
Matt reminds me of how very noisy my breathing is at this point, which is where I try,
once again in vain, to communicate how laborious it is to get each foot in the 
correct leg of my pants or to place myself in the front seat of my car without 
knocking my belly on the steering wheel.
(I never knew the space between the back of the seat and the steering wheel would ever become a "tight space.")

When we went to the Dr. last week, I told her I knew I hadn't dilated yet.
Jack had made no inclination of evicting himself anytime soon.
And she agreed with me by saying I was "closed up tight."
Well, let's not get too fancy with our words, Doc.
But I expected that. 

It amazes me how hairy my stomach is!!
Well, we have visited the Doc again this morning
(because we are finally at that stage of pregnancy where we grace her with our
presence weekly), and I was pretty sure I was going to cry if she said I was still closed.
Lately, Jack has made it a little more evident that he's uncomfortable in there
(tell me about it, boy!)
His kicks are more forceful, I can't find a comfortable spot to sit in
except for my preggy ball, I feel significantly larger (if that's possible),

I'm nauseous, crampy, and have "loose stool".
That's a much nicer way of saying what it actually is,
but believe it or not, that is actually a sign of pre-labor in many women,
and Drs believe it's your body's way of making room for baby to exit.
Well, lovely.
So, I had a mild breakdown Saturday night upon realizing that I may actually be nearing
this dreaded labor & delivery.
Matt, of course, calmed me down like a pro and also expressed his own fears.
Namely, he's afraid he'll freak out when I tell him it's time to go to the hospital.
Oh honey, that is not a fear.
Pushing a watermelon out of a hole the size of a lemon is a fear!
My beautiful Garnet birthstone necklace from Matt!
Hopefully, Jack actually makes his debut in January!
Alas, the Dr had good news and I am dilated to a 3!!!!!
Now, I am FULLY aware that I can stay a 3 for weeks,
but moving from "closed up tight" to 3 cm is reason for celebration
for this uncomfortable, sick of being pregnant 2 months ago Momma!

So, that's where we're at.
Here's to hoping we have our baby boy arrive sooner rather than later!!
(Now don't you dare tell me all your stories of being a 3 for a month and how you delivered your child 2 weeks late. God help me, I will unleash vicious, vicious rhetoric upon your Facebook wall!)


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