New Years' Resolutions

I realize it's a month into the New Year, but I want to know what your New Years' Resolutions are...

Last year, I started the tradition of physically writing down my resolutions and then checking them off throughout the year. Read more. Check. (The Kindle is my new best friend). Get on a budget. Check! I love Dave Ramsey now! But when it came to getting down to my goal weight...not so much. Or cooking more...I still hate it. Or having regular quiet times...Dun, dun, dun. That's the kick in the gut one, isn't it?

Why is it that the most important resolutions are the hardest to accomplish? Besides the obvious answer of them being hard...If I really want to better myself and become a more prepared future-wife, shouldn't I be jumping at the chance to cook for Matt more? And regular quiet times? I think I have the lamest excuses EVER for not delving into the Word. It's Sunday, "I heard a message this morning." It's Wednesday, "I sang in church this evening." It's Saturday, "Doesn't the Lord require a day of rest?!"

I know how I am when it comes to the legalism side of quiet times. You must have one every day to be a good Christian. The Lord does so much for you, why can't you spend 30 minutes a day with Him? What kind of daughter of the King are you if you don't even look forward to spending time with Him? All these thoughts go through my head daily until I remind myself, the Lord isn't keeping a book and checking off the days that I do and don't read the Bible. My quiet times are for MY benefit. I am a better girlfriend, more patient employee, more thoughtful daughter, etc. when I set aside time with the Lord.

I guess that's what it comes down to for the cooking and diet as well. These things better MYSELF. And when I am a better, more well-rounded person, I'm more confident and find myself wanting to bestow gifts and time upon others as well...

Well, I didn't mean for this to become a soap box (I'm still new to this blogging thing), but I've learned something today in writing this blog. But I want to know what YOU'RE resolutions are!! Be honest! Maybe this will be our own accountability for each other in the new year...


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