
Showing posts from May, 2013

Screeching Devil

Music and worship has really been on my mind and heart this week. It started Sunday when Pastor Toti talked about how powerful it is to sing out loud. Even if it's in your car, sing at the top of your lungs to your favorite worship songs. Matt heard a quote that said "it's like nails down a chalk board to the Devil when we sing praise songs. It makes him screech out loud." I love the idea of that! And I love to sing! On that note, I was listeneing to Air1 on Monday and heard a song that was new to me. I instantly pulled out my phone and "Shazaamed" it. (For those of you who who are unawares of the Shazaam app, it is glorious and allows you to put your phone up to your radio when you don't know a song and it tells you all the info about it!) So, my phone told me that it was a song called "Dead Come to Life" by Jonathan Thulin feat. Charmaine. Well, that got me to looking him up when I was at home. I had Matt listen to t...

Sundae Dreams

"I want to be a cheerleader when I grow up! A cheerleader and a teacher, and after I get married, my husband and I will be missionaries." Flowers at my home! Well, one of those dreams came true. This was the answer I gave people when I was young. And yes, I was a cheerleader all through elementary and high school  (winning two national championships if I might toot my own horn), but, thankfully, the Lord taught me early on that I don't have the patience to teach. He also showed me that my calling was not overseas missions either. I figured we were all supposed to become missionaries at some point in our Christian lives. After 4 months with YWAM in Hawaii & China, I came home and realized that experience was great but also, that wasn't what I was called to. (Oddly enough, I was voted "Most Likely to Become a Missionary" in high school.) My summer back porch! Thankfully, I met a man who was on his way to enroll in semin...