
Showing posts from June, 2019

Your Friend is Alone

I don't especially love being vulnerable on here. I've lived in Lubbock for 31 of my 33 years. Inevitably, someone will read this whom I don't want to have a window into my feelings, but the hope that someone will be encouraged by this is greater than that fear. Loneliness is the single greatest thing I have struggled with post-divorce. Which is an oxymoron to me because I'm the one that filed for divorce. But just because I initiated the process doesn't make me immune to all the feelings/emotions that come with it. In fact, I think it's the enemy that tries to lie to me and convince me that I shouldn't be feeling certain things because this was my doing in the first place. Whew, I could go on with that one thought, but I'm gonna try to stay on topic. I've always enjoyed alone time. Even when young, I remember chilling in my room reading, singing, or watching tv solo. Growing up with a large family, it's easy to find someone to fill the sil...