Piercings, Puppies and Push-Ups
Yes, it has been 2 months since I've written. No, I haven't been living under a rock during that time. I admitted at the beginning of this blogging adventure that I'm not consistent with it and that it overwhelms me. For all those non-bloggers out there, blogging is challenging. I find that I look at experiences in the light of, "Oh, my readers would like this!" or "What have I learned from this that I can write about?" Obviously, it's much easier to just coast through normal, boring days and even eventful, trying days without a time of retrospection. So, I am coming forth and admitting that I have coasted through the last 2 months, but alas, I am ready to confront life again with an inquisitive mind! For many people, inquisition is natural. For me, Questioning is NOT the norm! I take them as they are, and rarely think of them again. I forget arguments Matt & I have once apologies and forgiveness are traded. Th...