Mid-Engagement Craziness!!!
I know, I know. It's been two whole months since I have blogged and I feel really bad about that. I'm telling you, this blogging thing still overwhelms me, but then I get such kind people telling me how much they like to read my blogs and that makes me feel so good that I keep writing...except when I don't write like I've been doing lately and then I feel bad... So, I'm just gonna break the cycle and no longer justify my lack of writing b/c of my engagement (which has been AMAZING), thank you for asking! But, I'm afraid I am going to talk predominantly wedding jargon, so forgive me... or enjoy, whichever you prefer! So, yes, I have had the most chill, stess-free, fun, enjoyable engagement than anyone I have ever encountered. After my last post, where I was having panic attacks and freaking out about everything, I have been GREAT! Oh, but I just realized that was the last thing I wrote about, so now I'm doubly sorry! Don't worry, I haven'...